Our Offering Services
Corporate In-house Training
- 4-6 months practical application, inclusive all modules (CQ, G2G, MEPS etc.)
- Organization can purchase individual module, or series program
- Taylor-made curriculum design cater to organization’s development needs
Corporate / Mid-large Size Organization Training
- Designate mid-high management team to participate in corporate in-house series training program
- The remaining entire organization team’s (front liners / lower level employee) training to be conducted by
internal trainers or managers. We offer certified corporate trainer’s program. Organization that participated in
this program may acquire ICT authorization of the licensed program, system and copyright to train and
implement enhancement programs within their organization. We even support to supervise and evaluate
the training quality for the organization.
“Change Quotient” Certified Professional Trainer Public Program
- Individual program, full certification: inclusive copyright and licensed program materials (facilitator guide,
training materials, tools and system, trainee guide)
- Opportunity to become ICT Singapore’s partner
- Using ICT and ICT partners’ marketing and training platform
Individual Certified Public Program 3 days 2 nights (BOOT CAMP)
- Cater specific to individual (professionals, managers, leaders, businessman) whom desire to leapfrog,
improve performance and make positive transformation at work and in life with easier and quicker manner
Our Headquarter
International Consulting & Training LLP (Reg. No. T07LL0803B)
138 Robinson Road Oxley Tower #02-26, 068906 Singapore
Tel: +(65) 9658 9349 Fax: +(65) 6399 3699
Email: enquiry@ict.edu.sg
For key note speakers invitation or media interviews arrangement, kindly contact,
Singapore / Asia: +(65) 9658 9349
Email: customerservice@ict.edu.sg
Skype: ICTSingapore
MSN: ICT Singapore
QQ: 1346001760
Recommend ICT to Your Friends/Colleague General Enquiries
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If you would like to chat online with ICT Client Relations Group Representative click here for "Live Help".
Representatives are available: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm GST+8:00 Monday - Friday (In English and Chinese).
Request for Proposal (RFP)
If you wish to request for proposal for your company, kindly click here to submit RFP to ICT
Look for Consultative Advice
Get your valuable consultative advices today to understand how we could work with you to transform your team from good to great. We invite you to get to know us better
Partner with ICT
If you are interested to be part of this exciting opportunity, do drop us a note today, we welcome to explore further opportunities with you, kindly click here to drop us a note and we will get in touch with you asap.
Singapore / Asia: +(65) 9658 9349 China: +(86) 13500022602
Email: partner@ict.edu.sg WeChat: +(86) 13500022602
Skype: ICTSingapore WhatsApp: +(86) 13500022602
MSN: ICT Singapore QQ: 134 6001 760
Malaysia: +(60)16 2121831