2013-12-31ICT Singapore
A China's emerging software game development company, in the process of rapid development in the business is facing unprecedented challenges, with time, continuous rapid growth and innovation in the market competition. The company due to rapid growth, has increased by three times in as little as six months of human resources. Have good talent, they face many challenges at the same time, diversity in the workplace presents different culture, different values and ideas. With its further growth, they see the decline in the performance.
2014-06-24ICT Singapore
In providing "innovative thinking and problem solving" courses in a production-oriented enterprises, research and development department director emphasizes training cannot solve his problem, because his boss gave him a mission impossible.But after training, the team under the teacher guide, takes a different way of thinking innovation, finally find the solution, breakthrough thinking in the box.After the return to perform research and development innovation projects, business promotion, not only cost is also reduced.
In a few months later, the company asked for the same course in their production, because their customers now have far more than production capacity, hope production breakthrough to complete the production performance.
2011-11-30ICT Singapore
Due to change of marketing strategy and expansion, it leads to restructuring of sales people and management team's roles and responsibilities, remuneration package and performance measurement indication. This caused drastic resignation by employee and created difficulty in operations. Through combination of training and consulting, we have helped this organization team to accept and adopted change quickly, reduced 70% of attrition rate within 3 months.
2011-05-30ICT Singapore
This international logistic corporation in view to maintain lower labor cost and operating cost, intended to mobilize their China HQ from tier 1 city to tier 2 city.
After the training motivations, the mid-high management team and their staffs successful transform and mobilize in a positive manner within 6 months and perform well, enable the new and old team handover smoothly and successfully as per initial plan.
2013-10-30ICT Singapore
During the integration of the five acquired Chinese companies, the Europe group management team faced series of problems such as differences in opinions with initial leadership team, faced conflicts and incorporations issues during implementation of new measurements and policies etc.
2012-06-30ICT Singapore
During the transition, the key performances indicator and measurement system has been drastically changes which impacted the first line sales remuneration and commission scheme. This has made the sales team upset and repel.
After a series of training and coaching, participants quickly accepted and adapted to the changes within 6 months and acquired new techniques and ways to exploit own strengths to the fullest in the new strategic plan.
2014-03-31ICT Singapore
Helping the famous electrical company transform from information coverage to transmission ratio to business results driven resolutions.
The participants open doors to changes during the training seminar workshop. They established a series of highly effective marketing and publicity solutions with lower cost through scientific innovative techniques learned during the workshop.
2012-10-30ICT Singapore
Through innovation training and coaching, participants developed series of strategies to improve their competitive advantages and established market traction strategy to overcome their challenges.
2009-10-30ICT Singapore
During the 2009 financial crisis, many small-medium size export manufacturing companies in Guangdong province were seriously affected. Majority of these organizations faced financial and cash flows problems. After the innovation and change training and coaching, 90% of the businessmen participants found various different ways to resolve their financial and cash flows problems.
2008-09-06ICT Singapore
Helped these CEO from Peiking University Business Classes established entrepreneurship strategic thinking through change of mindsets, acquisition of new techniques and establish cognitive and insights of different situations. Utilizing new perspective to establish hidden business opportunities.